Think Steve!
“Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them,...
Celebrity Marketing
Some say Michael Jordan helped make Nike and others say Nike helped make Michael Jordan. I say it was a little of both. I remember the first Nike commercial with Michael Jordan flying through the air in slow motion from the foul line, his right arm high above him...
Got Fitness?
Got Milk? Yes. Got Fitness? No. Was thinking about the award-winning ad campaign from the Milk Advisory Board, “Got Milk?” Sales for milk went up dramatically across the nation after the launch of that campaign. Then I thought of other advisory boards and associations...
Advertising – Don’t Waste Your Money!
So, the big question posed to me is, “How do I advertise in these tough economic times?” My answer whether in good times or bad is - don’t spend good money on bad ads. I just saw an ad for a new gym in, well I won’t give the city, because I’d like to protect the...
Trust Marks
If you ask a woman to name an important trait they love about a man, a sense of humor usually tops the list. If you ask a guy which trait is the most important to him when it comes to a woman? No, it’s trust. Really. On the August cover of Club Insider was the word...
Brand Passion
Good branding, advertising and customer service are what allows us to know the heart of a company even if we’ve never met the owner. If I don’t get that emotional connection, you’ve lost me. It’s like an ad with an asterisk. We consumers understand those asterisks as...